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Friendly Alfalfa Readigrass

Friendly Alfalfa Readigrass


Made exclusively from Alfalfa grown in Yorkshire. The fibrous stalks and tasty leaves provide appetising variety for many small animals. Rich in protein and calcium, it is ideal for pregnant, nursing and young small animals, whilst also providing a tasty treat for mature animals.

Benefits of Friendly Alfalfa ReadiGrass:
High in beneficial fibre which will keep your pet’s digestive system healthy and operating effectively.
Rich in protein to support healthy growth and development.
The drying process retains vitamins and minerals needed to maintain health and keep your pet’s coat shiny
Encourages the natural chewing instinct and keeps teeth worn and healthy

Alfalfa ReadiGrass is a delicious alternative to dried grass or hay and can add variety to your pet’s diet. It can be fed as a treat to mature: rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus. It can also be fed on its own or mixed with good quality hay to pregnant, nursing and young animals. Good quality forage, dried grass, timothy, green oat or hay should form the major part of the diet of these animals.

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